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Magento 2.2 Api Access Failed Login Attempts Fix Updated FREE

Magento 2.2 Api Access Failed Login Attempts Fix

Magento is currently the largest open-source eCommerce platform in the globe. Due to its feature rich and extensible lawmaking base, merchants with large and small operations all around the world take been using it for a wide variety of projects.

Magento 1 has been around for viii years, and its successor, Magento ii, was released at the stop of 2015, improving weak points of the earlier version such as:

  • Improved performance
  • Official automatic test suite
  • Ameliorate back-cease UI
  • New, more modern forepart-cease codebase
  • A more modular way to develop modules, with files contained within the Magento code instead of beingness scattered all over the place
  • Reduced number of conflicts between modules trying to customize the aforementioned functionality
A stylized Magento 2 logo

A little over 1 year downwards the route, and the improvement is visible, fifty-fifty though non all of the problems mentioned have been totally solved. Now it'southward completely condom to say that Magento two is a much more than robust piece of software than its predecessor. Some of the improvements present in Magento ii are:

  • Unit and integration tests, including an official and documented way to create them for custom modules
  • Modules that are actually modularized, having all of their files placed under one unmarried directory
  • A richer templating system, assuasive the theme developer to create an n-level template bureaucracy
  • A series of useful pattern patterns adopted throughout the code, improving the code quality and decreasing probability of errors created by modules—These include automatic dependency injection, service contracts, repositories, and factories, to name a few.
  • Native integration to Varnish as a total page caching system, equally well equally Redis for session and cache handling
  • PHP 7 support

The learning curve for Magento 2, with all of these changes, has go even steeper. In this guide, I intend to bear witness yous how to develop your first Magento two module, and signal y'all in the right direction to proceed your studies. Let'due south get to information technology!

Magento 2 Tutorial Prerequisites

It is important that you have a skilful agreement of the following technologies/concepts in club to follow the rest of this article:

  • Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
  • PHP
  • Namespaces
  • MySQL
  • Basic bash usage

From all of the in a higher place, OOP is probably the near important one. Magento was initially created by a team of experienced Java developers, and their legacy tin can certainly be seen throughout the codebase. In case you are non very confident near your OOP skills, it might be a skilful idea to review it before commencement your work with the platform.

Overview of Magento two's Architecture

Magento'due south architecture was designed with the intent of making the source code every bit modularized and extensible as possible. The end goal of that approach is to allow it to exist easily adjusted and customized co-ordinate to each projection's needs.

Customizing ordinarily means changing the behavior of the platform's code. In the majority of systems, this ways changing the "core" code. In Magento, if you are following best practices, this is something yous can avert nigh of the fourth dimension, making it possible for a shop to proceed up to date with the latest security patches and feature releases in a reliable fashion.

Magento 2 is a Model View ViewModel (MVVM) organization. While being closely related to its sibling Model View Controller (MVC), an MVVM compages provides a more robust separation betwixt the Model and the View layers. Below is an explanation of each of the layers of a MVVM system:

  • The Model holds the business logic of the application, and depends on an associated class—the ResourceModel—for database access. Models rely on service contracts to expose their functionality to the other layers of the application.
  • The View is the construction and layout of what a user sees on a screen - the bodily HTML. This is achieved in the PHTML files distributed with modules. PHTML files are associated to each ViewModel in the Layout XML files, which would exist referred to as binders in the MVVM dialect. The layout files might besides assign JavaScript files to be used in the final page.
  • The ViewModel interacts with the Model layer, exposing only the necessary data to the View layer. In Magento ii, this is handled past the module'south Block classes. Annotation that this was commonly part of the Controller role of an MVC system. On MVVM, the controller is only responsible for handling the user menses, meaning that it receives requests and either tells the system to render a view or to redirect the user to another route.

A Magento two module consists of some, if non all, elements of the architecture described above. The overall compages is described below (source):

Diagram of full Magento 2 architecture

A Magento 2 module tin in turn define external dependencies by using Composer, PHP's dependency director. In the diagram above, you run across that the Magento ii core modules depend on the Zend Framework, Symfony equally well equally other third-party libraries.

Below is the structure of Magento/Cms, a Magento two core module responsible for handling the cosmos of pages and static blocks.

Directory layout of Magento/Cms module

Each folder holds one part of the compages, as follows:

  • Api: Service contracts, defining service interfaces and data interfaces
  • Block: The ViewModels of our MVVM architecture
  • Controller: Controllers, responsible for treatment the user'south menstruation while interacting with the system
  • etc: Configuration XML files—The module defines itself and its parts (routes, models, blocks, observers, and cron jobs) inside this folder. The etc files can likewise be used by non-core modules to override the functionality of core modules.
  • Helper: Helper classes that concord code used in more than i application layer. For example, in the Cms module, helper classes are responsible for preparing HTML for presentation to the browser.
  • i18n: Holds internationalization CSV files, used for translation
  • Model: For Models and ResourceModels
  • Observer: Holds Observers, or Models which are "observing" system events. Commonly, when such an consequence is fired, the observer instantiates a Model to handle the necessary business logic for such an event.
  • Setup: Migration classes, responsible for schema and data cosmos
  • Test: Unit tests
  • Ui: UI elements such as grids and forms used in the admin application
  • view: Layout (XML) files and template (PHTML) files for the forepart-end and admin application

It is too interesting to notice that, in practice, all of Magento two's inner workings live inside a module. In the prototype above, y'all can see, for example, Magento_Checkout, responsible for the checkout procedure, and Magento_Catalog, responsible for the treatment of products and categories. Basically, what this tells us is that learning how to piece of work with modules is the well-nigh important function of becoming a Magento 2 developer.

All right, after this relatively cursory introduction to the organisation architecture and module structure, permit's do something more concrete, shall we? Next, nosotros will go through the traditional Web log tutorial in order to go you comfortable with Magento 2 and on track to go a Magento 2 Developer. Before that, nosotros need to prepare a evolution environs. Let'south get to it!

Setting up the Magento 2 Module Evolution Environment

At the time of this writing, we were able to use the official Magento 2 DevBox, which is a Magento 2 Docker container. Docker on macOS is something I still consider to be unusable, at least with a system which heavily depends on fast disk I/O such as Magento ii. And so, we will do it the traditional way: Install all packages natively on our own automobile.

Setting up the Server

Installing everything surely is a scrap more tedious, only the end result will be a lightning-fast Magento development environment. Believe me, you will salvage hours of piece of work by not depending on Docker for your Magento two evolution.

This tutorial assumes an environment on macOS with Brew installed on it. If that's not the case for you lot, the basics will remain the same, changing just the mode y'all install the packages. Permit's start with installing all of the packages:

          brew install mysql nginxb php70 php70-imagick php70-intl php70-mcrypt                  

And then start the services:

          mash services commencement mysql brew services start php70 sudo brew services outset nginx                  

Ok, now we'll point a domain to our loopback address. Open the hosts file in any editor, but brand certain you have superuser permissions. Doing that with Vim would be:

          sudo vim /etc/hosts                  

And then add the following line:


Now we'll create a vhost in Nginx:

          vim /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-available/magento2dev.conf                  

Add the following content:

          server {   listen 80;    server_name;    set $MAGE_ROOT /Users/yourusername/world wide web/magento2dev;   set $MAGE_MODE programmer;     # Default magento Nginx config starts beneath   root $MAGE_ROOT/pub;   index index.php;   autoindex off;   charset off;    add_header 'X-Content-Type-Options' 'nosniff';   add_header '10-XSS-Protection' 'i; mode=cake';    location / {     try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;   }    location /pub {     location ~ ^/pub/media/(downloadable|customer|import|theme_customization/.*\.xml) {       deny all;     }     alias $MAGE_ROOT/pub;     add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";   }    location /static/ {     if ($MAGE_MODE = "production") {       expires max;     }      location ~* \.(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|js|css|swf|eot|ttf|otf|woff|woff2)$ {       add_header Cache-Control "public";       add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";       expires +1y;        if (!-f $request_filename) {         rewrite ^/static/(version\d*/)?(.*)$ /static.php?resource=$ii last;       }     }      location ~* \.(zip|gz|gzip|bz2|csv|xml)$ {       add_header Cache-Control "no-store";       add_header 10-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";       expires off;        if (!-f $request_filename) {         rewrite ^/static/(version\d*/)?(.*)$ /static.php?resource=$2 last;       }     }      if (!-f $request_filename) {       rewrite ^/static/(version\d*/)?(.*)$ /static.php?resource=$2 last;     }      add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";   }    location /media/ {     try_files $uri $uri/ /get.php?$args;      location ~ ^/media/theme_customization/.*\.xml {       deny all;     }      location ~* \.(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|js|css|swf|eot|ttf|otf|woff|woff2)$ {       add_header Cache-Control "public";       add_header Ten-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";       expires +1y;       try_files $uri $uri/ /get.php?$args;     }      location ~* \.(aught|gz|gzip|bz2|csv|xml)$ {       add_header Cache-Control "no-store";       add_header Ten-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";       expires off;       try_files $uri $uri/ /get.php?$args;     }      add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";   }    location /media/customer/ {     deny all;   }    location /media/downloadable/ {     deny all;   }    location /media/import/ {     deny all;   }    location ~ /media/theme_customization/.*\.xml$ {     deny all;   }    location /errors/ {     try_files $uri =404;   }    location ~ ^/errors/.*\.(xml|phtml)$ {     deny all;   }    location ~ cron\.php {     deny all;   }    location ~ (index|get|static|study|404|503)\.php$ {     try_files $uri =404;     fastcgi_pass;     fastcgi_param  PHP_FLAG  "session.auto_start=off \n suhosin.session.cryptua=off";     fastcgi_param  PHP_VALUE "memory_limit=768M \north max_execution_time=60";     fastcgi_read_timeout 60s;     fastcgi_connect_timeout 60s;     fastcgi_param  MAGE_MODE $MAGE_MODE;     fastcgi_index  index.php;     fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;     include    fastcgi_params;   }    # Default magento Nginx config finishes below    client_max_body_size  20M; }                  

If you haven't dealt with Nginx before, this file might scare you, so let us explain the petty bits hither, as information technology volition likewise shed some light on some of Magento'southward inner workings. The start lines simply tell Nginx that we are using the default HTTP port, and our domain is

                      heed 80;   server_name;                  

And so we set some surround variables. The start one—$MAGE_ROOT—holds the path to our codebase. Observe yous volition need to change the root path to friction match your username/folder path, wherever you lot plan to have the source placed on:

                      set $MAGE_ROOT /Users/yourusername/world wide web/magento2dev;                  

The second variable—$MAGE_MODE—sets the runtime mode for our shop. As we are developing a module, nosotros will use the programmer way. This allows us to code faster, equally we won't have to compile or deploy static files while developing. The other modes are production and default. The real use for the latter is not nevertheless clear.

                      set $MAGE_MODE developer;                  

Later on this variables are set, we ascertain the vhost root path. Observe that we suffix the $MAGE_ROOT variable with the /pub folder, making just part of our shop available to the web.

                      root $MAGE_ROOT/pub;                  

Nosotros then define our index file—the file nginx volition load when the requested file doesn't exist—as index.php. This script, $MAGE_ROOT/pub/index.php, is the principal entry betoken for customers visiting both the shopping cart and the admin applications. Regardless of the URL requested, index.php volition be loaded and the router dispatching procedure started.

                      index index.php;                  

Next, we turn off some Nginx features. Starting time, we turn off autoindex, which would display a file list when you request a binder, just don't specify a file, and no index is present. Second, we turn off charset, which would allow Nginx to automatically add together Charset headers to the response.

                      autoindex off;   charset off;                  

Next, we define a few security headers:

                      add_header 'X-Content-Blazon-Options' 'nosniff';   add_header 'X-XSS-Protection' '1; mode=cake';                  

This location, /, is pointed at our root binder $MAGE_ROOT/pub, and basically redirects any request received to our front controller index.php, together with the request arguments:

                      location / {     try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;   }                  

The next portion might exist a fleck confusing, but it is quite simple. A few lines ago, we divers our root as $MAGE_ROOT/pub. That is the recommended and more secure setup, every bit well-nigh of the code is not visible from the web. But information technology is not the simply manner to set upwards the web server. Actually, about shared web servers have one default setup, which is to have your web server pointing at your web binder. For those users, the Magento team has made this file ready for those cases, when the root is defined as $MAGE_ROOT with the following snippet:

          location /pub {     location ~ ^/pub/media/(downloadable|client|import|theme_customization/.*\.xml) {       deny all;     }     alias $MAGE_ROOT/pub;     add_header 10-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";   }                  

Go along in listen that, whenever possible, it is best if you have your web server pointing at the $MAGE_ROOT/pub folder. Your shop will be more secure this way.

Side by side up, we take the static location $MAGE_ROOT/pub/static. This folder is initially empty and filled up automatically with the modules' and themes' static files, such as image files, CSS, JS, etc. Hither, we basically define some enshroud values for the static files and, when the requested file does not exist, redirect it to $MAGE_ROOT/pub/static.php. That script will, amidst other things, clarify the asking and re-create or symlink the specified file from the correspondent module or theme, depending on the runtime mode defined. This way, your module's static files volition reside within our modules' binder, just will be served directly from the vhost public binder:

                      location /static/ {     if ($MAGE_MODE = "production") {       expires max;     } location ~* \.(ico|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|js|css|swf|eot|ttf|otf|woff|woff2)$ {       add_header Cache-Control "public";       add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";       expires +1y;        if (!-f $request_filename) {         rewrite ^/static/(version\d*/)?(.*)$ /static.php?resource=$2 last;       }     }      location ~* \.(zip|gz|gzip|bz2|csv|xml)$ {       add_header Enshroud-Control "no-store";       add_header Ten-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";       expires off;        if (!-f $request_filename) {         rewrite ^/static/(version\d*/)?(.*)$ /static.php?resource=$2 final;       }     }      if (!-f $request_filename) {       rewrite ^/static/(version\d*/)?(.*)$ /static.php?resource=$2 terminal;     }      add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";   }                  

Next nosotros deny web access to some restricted folders and files:

                      location /media/customer/ {     deny all;   }    location /media/downloadable/ {     deny all;   }    location /media/import/ {     deny all;   }    location ~ /media/theme_customization/.*\.xml$ {     deny all;   }    location /errors/ {     try_files $uri =404;   }    location ~ ^/errors/.*\.(xml|phtml)$ {     deny all;   }    location ~ cron\.php {     deny all;   }                  

And the terminal scrap is where we load up php-fpm and tell it to execute alphabetize.php whenever the user hits it:

          location ~ (index|become|static|report|404|503)\.php$ {     try_files $uri =404;     fastcgi_pass   127.0.0.ane:9000;     fastcgi_param  PHP_FLAG  "session.auto_start=off \n suhosin.session.cryptua=off";     fastcgi_param  PHP_VALUE "memory_limit=768M \n max_execution_time=60";     fastcgi_read_timeout 60s;     fastcgi_connect_timeout 60s;     fastcgi_param  MAGE_MODE $MAGE_MODE;     fastcgi_index  index.php;     fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;     include    fastcgi_params;   }                  

With that out of our way, save the file, and then enable it by typing the following commands:

          ln -s /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-bachelor/magento2dev.conf \  /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/magento2dev.conf sudo mash services restart nginx                  

How to Install Magento 2

Okay, at this point your machine meets Magento 2 requirements, missing only the beast itself. Head over to the Magento website and create an business relationship if you withal don't have one. After that, become to the download folio and download the latest version (ii.1.five, at the time of writing):

Magento 2 download page

Select the .tar.bz2 format and download it. And so go along to extract it and set the correct binder and file permissions for Magento ii to exist able to work:

          mkdir ~/www/magento2dev cd ~/www/magento2dev tar -xjf ~/Downloads/ find var vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -type f -exec chmod u+w {} \; find var vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc -blazon d -exec chmod u+w {} \; chmod u+10 bin/magento                  

At present, to install the database tables and create the needed configuration files, nosotros will run this command from the terminal:

          ./bin/magento setup:install --base-url= \ --db-host=127.0.0.ane --db-name=magento2 --db-user=root \ --db-countersign=123 --admin-firstname=Magento --admin-lastname=User \ --admin-user=admin \ --admin-password=admin123 --language=en_US --currency=USD \ --timezone=America/Chicago --apply-rewrites=1 --backend-frontname=admin                  

Recall to change the database name (db-name), user (db-user) and password (db-countersign) to friction match the one you used during MySQL'southward installation, and that's information technology! This command will install all of Magento ii's modules, creating the required tables and configuration files. After it is finished, open upwards your browser and caput to You lot should see a Magento 2 clean install with the default Luma theme:

Home page in the default Luma theme

If y'all caput to, you should come across the Admin application login page:

Admin application login page

Then use the credentials beneath to login:

User: admin Countersign: admin123

We're finally ready to start writing our code!

Creating Our First Magento 2 Module

To consummate our module, we volition have to create the following files, and I will guide you through the whole process. We will need:

  • A few average registration files, to make Magento aware of our Weblog module
  • One interface file, to define our data contract for the Mail
  • A Post Model, to represent a Mail service throughout our code, implementing the Post data interface
  • A Post Resources Model, to link the Post Model to the database
  • A Post Drove, to retrieve several posts at one time from the database with the help of the Resource Model
  • Two migration classes, to set up our table schema and content
  • Two Actions: i to list all posts and another to prove each postal service individually
  • Two each of Blocks, Views, and Layout files: One of each for the list activeness, and one of each for the view

First, permit'southward accept a quick look at the core source code folder structure, and then we can define where to identify our code. The way nosotros installed has all of Magento 2 core lawmaking, together with all of its dependencies, living inside the composer'southward vendor binder.

Directory layout of Magento 2 core code

Registering Our Module

We will keep our code in a separate folder, app/lawmaking. Every module's proper name is in the form Namespace_ModuleName, and its location on the filesystem must reflect that proper name, app/code/Namespace/ModuleName for this example. Following that blueprint, we volition name our module Toptal_Blog and place our files nether app/lawmaking/Toptal/Weblog. Go alee and create that folder construction.

Directory layout of our Toptal_Blog module

Now, nosotros demand to create a few average files in gild to have our module registered with Magento. First, create app/code/Toptal/Blog/composer.json:


This file volition be loaded by Composer everytime you lot run information technology. Even though we are not actually using Composer with our module, nosotros must create it to continue Composer happy.

At present nosotros volition register our module with Magento. Get ahead and create app/code/Toptal/Blog/registration.php:

          <?php  \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::register(     \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::MODULE,     'Toptal_Blog',     __DIR__ );                  

Here, we are calling the register method of the ComponentRegistrar class, sending two parameters: the string 'module', which is the type of component we are registering, and our module's name, 'Toptal_Blog'. With that information, Magento'south autoloader will be enlightened of our namespace and will know where to look for our classes and XML files.

One interesting affair to notice here is that we have the blazon of the component (MODULE) being sent equally a parameter to the \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::register function. Not only can we register modules, we tin can register other kinds of components. For instance, themes, external libraries, and linguistic communication packs are also registered using this aforementioned method.

Continuing, permit us create our last registration file, app/code/Toptal/Weblog/etc/module.xml:

          <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../../../lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Module/etc/module.xsd">     <module name="Toptal_Blog" setup_version="0.ane.0">         <sequence>             <module name="Magento_Directory" />             <module proper noun="Magento_Config" />         </sequence>     </module> </config>                  

This file holds some very important data about our module. They are:

  • The module proper name is present once again, exposing our module name to the Magento configuration.
  • The Magento setup version, which will be used by Magento to decide when to run database migration scripts.
  • Our module'southward dependencies—As we are writing a simple module, nosotros depend just on two Magento core modules: Magento_Directory and Magento_Config.

Now, we have a module which should be recognizable past Magento 2. Let'southward check it by using the Magento two CLI.

Outset, we need to disable Magento's cache. Magento's cache mechanisms deserve an article defended to themselves. For the time being, as we are developing a module and desire our changes to be recognized by Magento instantly without the need to clear the enshroud at all times, we will simply disable it. From the command line, run:

          ./bin/magento cache:disable                  

Then allow'due south meet if Magento is already aware of our modifications by looking at the modules' status. Simply run the following command:

          ./bin/magento module:condition                  

The issue from the terminal one should be similar to:

Output of status command, showing Toptal_Blog module being disabled

Our module is there, just as the output shows, it is however disabled. To enable it, run:

          ./bin/magento module:enable Toptal_Blog                  

That should have done it. To exist certain, yous tin can call module:condition once again and look for our module's name in the enabled list:

Output of status command, showing Toptal_Blog module being enabled

Handling Data Storage

Now that we've enabled our module, we need to create the database table which holds our blog posts. This is the schema for the table we want to create:

Field Blazon Null Key Default
post_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI Zip
title text NO NULL
content text NO Cipher
created_at timestamp NO CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

We attain this by creating the InstallSchema class, which is responsible for managing the installation of our schema migration. The file is located at app/code/Toptal/Blog/Setup/InstallSchema.php and has the following content:

          <?php  namespace Toptal\Web log\Setup;  use \Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallSchemaInterface; use \Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface; employ \Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface; employ \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Tabular array;  /**  * Grade InstallSchema  *  * @package Toptal\Blog\Setup  */ grade InstallSchema implements InstallSchemaInterface {     /**      * Install Blog Posts tabular array      *      * @param SchemaSetupInterface $setup      * @param ModuleContextInterface $context      */     public function install(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)     {         $setup->startSetup();          $tableName = $setup->getTable('toptal_blog_post');          if ($setup->getConnection()->isTableExists($tableName) != truthful) {             $table = $setup->getConnection()                 ->newTable($tableName)                 ->addColumn(                     'post_id',                     Table::TYPE_INTEGER,                     null,                     [                         'identity' => true,                         'unsigned' => true,                         'nullable' => false,                         'primary' => true                     ],                     'ID'                 )                 ->addColumn(                     'title',                     Table::TYPE_TEXT,                     nothing,                     ['nullable' => fake],                     'Title'                 )                 ->addColumn(                     'content',                     Table::TYPE_TEXT,                     nothing,                     ['nullable' => false],                     'Content'                 )                 ->addColumn(                     'created_at',                     Table::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,                     zip,                     ['nullable' => false, 'default' => Table::TIMESTAMP_INIT],                     'Created At'                 )                 ->setComment('Toptal Blog - Posts');             $setup->getConnection()->createTable($table);         }          $setup->endSetup();     } }                  

If you clarify the install method, you will detect it simply creates our table and adds its columns 1 by 1.

To determine when to run a schema migration, Magento keeps a tabular array with all of the electric current setup versions for each module, and whenever a module version changes, its migration classes are initialized. This table is setup_module, and if you take a look at that table'due south contents, you will meet that there is no reference to our module so far. So, let us change that. From a last, burn down the post-obit command:

          ./bin/magento setup:upgrade                  

That will show you a list of all the modules and its migration scripts that were executed, including ours:

Output of upgrade command, showing our migration getting performed

Now, from your MySQL client of preference, you can check if the table has really been created:

Demonstration of our table in the MySQL client

And at the setup_module tabular array, now in that location's a reference to our module, its schema, and information version:

Content of the setup_module table

Ok, and what about schema upgrades? Let's add some posts to that table through an upgrade to bear witness you how to do that. Commencement, bump the setup_version on our etc/module.xml file:

Highlight of the changed value in our module.xml file

Now nosotros create our app/lawmaking/Toptal/Web log/Setup/UpgradeData.php file, which is responsible for the data (not schema) migrations:

          <?php  namespace Toptal\Blog\Setup;  use \Magento\Framework\Setup\UpgradeDataInterface; use \Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface; use \Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface;  /**  * Course UpgradeData  *  * @package Toptal\Web log\Setup  */ form UpgradeData implements UpgradeDataInterface {      /**      * Creates sample blog posts      *      * @param ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup      * @param ModuleContextInterface $context      * @return void      */     public part upgrade(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)     {         $setup->startSetup();          if ($context->getVersion()             && version_compare($context->getVersion(), '') < 0         ) {             $tableName = $setup->getTable('toptal_blog_post');              $data = [                 [                     'title' => 'Post 1 Title',                     'content' => 'Content of the first post.',                 ],                 [                     'championship' => 'Post 2 Title',                     'content' => 'Content of the second post.',                 ],             ];              $setup                 ->getConnection()                 ->insertMultiple($tableName, $information);         }          $setup->endSetup();     } }                  

You can run across that it is very similar to our Install class. The only difference is that it implements an UpgradeDataInterface instead of InstallSchemaInterface, and the principal method is called upgrade. With this method, yous check for the current module's installed version and, when smaller than yours, fire upward the changes you need to get done. In our example, we are checking if the current version is smaller than in the following line using the version_compare function:

                      if ($context->getVersion()             && version_compare($context->getVersion(), '0.1.1') < 0         ) {                  

The $context->getVersion() call will return when the setup:upgrade CLI command is called for the first time. And then the sample data is loaded to the database, and our version is bumped to To get this running, go ahead and fire a setup:upgrade:

          ./bin/magento setup:upgrade                  

And then check the results at the posts table:

Content of our table

And at the setup_module tabular array:

Updated content of the setup_module table

Detect that, even though we added information to our table using the migration process, it would have been possible to change the schema as well. The process is the same; yous would only use the UpgradeSchemaInterface instead of the UpgradeDataInterface.

Defining the Model for Posts

Moving on, if yous remember our architecture overview, our next building block would exist the blog post ResourceModel. The Resource Model is very simple, and simply states the tabular array for which the Model will "connect" to, together with what its primary key is. We will create our ResourceModel at app/lawmaking/Toptal/Blog/Model/ResourceModel/Mail.php with the following contents:

          <?php  namespace Toptal\Blog\Model\ResourceModel;  apply \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\AbstractDb;  form Mail service extends AbstractDb {     /**      * Mail service Abstract Resource Constructor      * @return void      */     protected office _construct()     {         $this->_init('toptal_blog_post', 'post_id');     } }                  

All of the ResourceModel operations, unless you need something different from the usual CRUD operations, are handled past the AbstractDb parent class.

Nosotros will also demand another ResourceModel, a Collection. The Collection will exist responsible for querying the database for multiple posts using our ResourceModel and delivering dorsum a series of Models instantiated and filled up with info. We create the file app/lawmaking/Toptal/Blog/Model/ResourceModel/Post/Collection.php with the following content:

          <?php namespace Toptal\Web log\Model\ResourceModel\Post;  apply \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\Collection\AbstractCollection;  class Collection extends AbstractCollection {     /**      * Remittance File Drove Constructor      * @return void      */     protected function _construct()     {         $this->_init('Toptal\Blog\Model\Postal service', 'Toptal\Web log\Model\ResourceModel\Mail');     } }                  

Discover that in the constructor nosotros simply mention the Model, which will represent the mail service entity throughout our lawmaking, and the ResourceModel, which will fetch the info at the database.

The missing piece for this layer is the Post Model itself. The model should hold all the attributes we take defined in our schema, along with whatsoever concern logic you might need. Following Magento 2'southward pattern, we demand to create a Data Interface that our model volition extend from. We identify the interface at app/code/Toptal/Weblog/Api/Data/PostInterface.php, and it should hold the table's fields names, along with the methods for accessing them:

          <?php  namespace Toptal\Blog\Api\Data;  interface PostInterface {     /**#@+      * Constants for keys of information array. Identical to the name of the getter in serpent case      */     const POST_ID               = 'post_id';     const Title                 = 'title';     const CONTENT               = 'content';     const CREATED_AT            = 'created_at';     /**#@-*/       /**      * Get Title      *      * @return cord|nil      */     public role getTitle();      /**      * Get Content      *      * @return string|nil      */     public function getContent();      /**      * Get Created At      *      * @return string|nil      */     public function getCreatedAt();      /**      * Become ID      *      * @return int|nada      */     public function getId();      /**      * Set Title      *      * @param string $title      * @render $this      */     public function setTitle($title);      /**      * Set Content      *      * @param string $content      * @return $this      */     public function setContent($content);      /**      * Fix Crated At      *      * @param int $createdAt      * @render $this      */     public function setCreatedAt($createdAt);      /**      * Set ID      *      * @param int $id      * @return $this      */     public function setId($id); }                  

At present to the model's implementation, at app/code/Toptal/Web log/Model/Mail service.php. Nosotros will create the methods defined at the interface. We will as well specify a cache tag through the CACHE_TAG constant and, at the constructor, we volition specify the ResourceModel that will be responsible for the database access for our model.

          <?php  namespace Toptal\Blog\Model;  use \Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel; use \Magento\Framework\DataObject\IdentityInterface; use \Toptal\Blog\Api\Data\PostInterface;  /**  * Class File  * @package Toptal\Web log\Model  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects)  */ class Postal service extends AbstractModel implements PostInterface, IdentityInterface {     /**      * Cache tag      */     const CACHE_TAG = 'toptal_blog_post';      /**      * Post Initialization      * @return void      */     protected role _construct()     {         $this->_init('Toptal\Weblog\Model\ResourceModel\Postal service');     }       /**      * Go Title      *      * @return cord|goose egg      */     public part getTitle()     {         render $this->getData(self::Championship);     }      /**      * Go Content      *      * @render string|null      */     public office getContent()     {         return $this->getData(self::CONTENT);     }      /**      * Get Created At      *      * @return string|null      */     public role getCreatedAt()     {         return $this->getData(self::CREATED_AT);     }      /**      * Get ID      *      * @render int|goose egg      */     public role getId()     {         return $this->getData(self::POST_ID);     }      /**      * Return identities      * @return string[]      */     public function getIdentities()     {         return [self::CACHE_TAG . '_' . $this->getId()];     }      /**      * Fix Title      *      * @param string $title      * @return $this      */     public function setTitle($title)     {         return $this->setData(self::Title, $title);     }      /**      * Set Content      *      * @param cord $content      * @return $this      */     public part setContent($content)     {         return $this->setData(self::CONTENT, $content);     }      /**      * Fix Created At      *      * @param string $createdAt      * @return $this      */     public role setCreatedAt($createdAt)     {         render $this->setData(cocky::CREATED_AT, $createdAt);     }      /**      * Set ID      *      * @param int $id      * @return $this      */     public office setId($id)     {         return $this->setData(self::POST_ID, $id);     } }                  

Creating Views

Now we are moving one layer up, and will starting time the implementation of our ViewModel and Controller. To define a route in the front end-end (shopping cart) application, we demand to create the file app/code/Toptal/Blog/etc/frontend/routes.xml with the post-obit contents:

          <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="http://world wide" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:App/etc/routes.xsd">     <router id="standard">         <route id="weblog" frontName="web log">             <module proper name="Toptal_Blog"/>         </route>     </router> </config>                  

List of Posts at the Alphabetize Folio

Here, we are basically telling Magento that our module, Toptal_Blog, will be responsible for responding to routes under (detect the frontName attribute of the route). Next up is the activity, at app/code/Toptal/Blog/Controller/Index/Index.php:

          <?php  namespace Toptal\Web log\Controller\Alphabetize;  use \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Activity; use \Magento\Framework\View\Result\PageFactory; employ \Magento\Framework\View\Result\Folio; use \Magento\Framework\App\Activity\Context; use \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException;  grade Index extends Action {      /**      * @var PageFactory      */     protected $resultPageFactory;      /**      * @param Context $context      * @param PageFactory $resultPageFactory      *      * @codeCoverageIgnore      * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)      */     public role __construct(         Context $context,         PageFactory $resultPageFactory     ) {         parent::__construct(             $context         );         $this->resultPageFactory = $resultPageFactory;     }      /**      * Prints the web log from informed order id      * @return Page      * @throws LocalizedException      */     public role execute()     {         $resultPage = $this->resultPageFactory->create();         return $resultPage;     } }                  

Our action is defining two methods. Let us accept a closer look at them:

  • The constructor method simply sends the $context parameter to its parent method, and sets the $resultPageFactory parameter to an attribute for later utilize. At this bespeak it is useful to know the Dependency Injection design pattern, every bit that is what is happening here. In Magento two's case we have automatic dependency injection. This means that whenever a class instantiation occurs, Magento will automatically effort to instantiate all of the class constructor parameters (dependencies) and inject it for you as constructor parameters. It identifies which classes to instantiate for each parameter by inspecting the blazon hints, in this instance Context and PageFactory.

  • The execute method is responsible for the action execution itself. In our case, we are simply telling Magento to render its layout by returning a Magento\Framework\View\Upshot\Page object. This will trigger the layout rendering procedure, which we will create in a fleck.

At present you should meet a blank page at the url We still demand to define the layout construction for that route, and its corresponding Cake (our ViewModel) and the template file which will present the information to our user.

The layout structure for the front-terminate application is defined under view/frontend/layout, and the file name must reflect our route. As our route is weblog/index/index, the layout file for that road volition exist app/code/Toptal/Blog/view/frontend/layout/blog_index_index.xml:

          <?xml version="1.0"?> <page xmlns:xsi="" layout="2columns-left" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">     <torso>         <referenceContainer proper noun="content">             <block grade="Toptal\Weblog\Cake\Posts"                    proper noun="posts.list"                    template="Toptal_Blog::postal service/list.phtml" />         </referenceContainer>     </torso> </page>                  

Here, nosotros must define iii very important structures in the Magento layout structure: Blocks, Containers, and Templates.

  • Blocks are the ViewModel part of our MVVM architecture, which was explained in earlier sections. They are the building blocks of our template structure.

  • Containers contain and output Blocks. They hold blocks together in nice hierarchical structures, and help in making things make sense when the layout for a page is existence processed.

  • Templates are PHMTL (mixed HTML and PHP) files used past a special type of cake in Magento. You can brand calls to methods of a $block variable from within a template. The variable is always defined in the template context. You will be invoking your Block's methods by doing and so, and thus allowing you to pull data from the ViewModel layer to the actual presentation.

With that extra data at hand, we tin can analyze the XML layout structure above. This layout construction is basically telling Magento that, when a asking is fabricated to the blog/index/index route, a Block of the type Toptal\Web log\Block\Posts is to be added to the content container, and the template which will be used to render information technology is Toptal_blog::post/listing.phtml.

This leads us to the creation of our two remaining files. Our Block, located at app/code/Toptal/Blog/Block/Posts.php:

          <?php  namespace Toptal\Blog\Cake;  use \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template; use \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context; use \Toptal\Blog\Model\ResourceModel\Post\Collection as PostCollection; use \Toptal\Blog\Model\ResourceModel\Mail\CollectionFactory as PostCollectionFactory; use \Toptal\Weblog\Model\Mail service;  class Posts extends Template {     /**      * CollectionFactory      * @var null|CollectionFactory      */     protected $_postCollectionFactory = null;      /**      * Constructor      *      * @param Context $context      * @param PostCollectionFactory $postCollectionFactory      * @param assortment $data      */     public function __construct(         Context $context,         PostCollectionFactory $postCollectionFactory,         array $data = []     ) {         $this->_postCollectionFactory = $postCollectionFactory;         parent::__construct($context, $data);     }      /**      * @return Postal service[]      */     public function getPosts()     {         /** @var PostCollection $postCollection */         $postCollection = $this->_postCollectionFactory->create();         $postCollection->addFieldToSelect('*')->load();         return $postCollection->getItems();     }      /**      * For a given post, returns its url      * @param Mail $post      * @render string      */     public function getPostUrl(         Post $postal service     ) {         return '/blog/post/view/id/' . $post->getId();     }  }                  

This form is rather simple, and its objective is solely to load the posts to be shown, and provide a getPostUrl method to the template. There are some things to notice though.

If you remember, nosotros have not defined a Toptal\Blog\Model\ResourceModel\Postal service\CollectionFactory class. We only defined the Toptal\Blog\Model\ResourceModel\Mail service\Collection. So how is this even working? For every class y'all define in your module, Magento ii volition automatically create a Factory for you. Factories have two methods: create, which will render a new instance for each call, and get, which volition always return the same case whenever chosen—used to implement the Singleton pattern.

The third parameter of our Cake, $information, is an optional array. As information technology is optional and does not have a type hint, it will not exist injected past the automatic injection arrangement. It is of import to notice that optional constructor parameters must always be positioned terminal in the parameters. For case, the constructor of the Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template, our parent class, has these parameters:

                      public function __construct(     Template\Context $context,     assortment $data = []   ) {     ...                  

As we wanted to add our CollectionFactory to the constructor parameters after extending the Template class, nosotros had to do it earlier the optional parameter, otherwise the injection would not work:

                      public function __construct(         Context $context,         PostCollectionFactory $postCollectionFactory,         assortment $data = []     ) {        ...                  

At the getPosts method, which will exist accessed later past our template, nosotros only call the create method from the PostCollectionFactory, which volition render us a fresh PostCollection and permit us to fetch our posts from the database and send information technology to our response.

And to finish this route'due south layout, hither is our our PHTML template, app/lawmaking/Toptal/Blog/view/frontend/templates/postal service/list.phtml:

          <?php /** @var Toptal\Blog\Cake\Posts $block */ ?> <h1>Toptal Posts</h1> <?php foreach($block->getPosts() every bit $mail service): ?>     <?php /** @var Toptal\Weblog\Model\Postal service */ ?>     <h2><a href="<?php echo $block->getPostUrl($post);?>"><?php echo $post->getTitle(); ?></a></h2>     <p><?php echo $post->getContent(); ?></p> <?php endforeach; ?>                  

Notice that hither we tin can see the View layer accessing our ModelView ($block->getPosts()) which in turn uses a ResourceModel (the collection) to fetch our models (Toptal\Blog\Model\Post) from the database. In every template, whenever you want to access its block'south methods, there will be a $block variable defined and waiting for your calls.

Now you should be able to see the posts list by just hitting our route again.

Our index page, showing the list of posts

Viewing Individual Posts

Now, if you lot click on a post title, you will get a 404, so let's fix that. With all of our construction in place, this becomes quite simple. We will need only to create the following:

  • A new action, responsible for treatment requests to the blog/mail service/view route
  • A Block to render the post
  • A PHTML template, responsible for the view itself
  • A layout file for the blog/post/view route, putting these last pieces together.

Our new activity is quite simple. It volition simply receive the parameter id from the request and annals it at Magento cadre registry, a central repository for information that is bachelor throughout a single request wheel. Past doing this, we volition make the ID available to the block later on. The file should be located at app/code/Toptal/Blog/Controller/Postal service/View.php and these are its contents:

          <?php  namespace Toptal\Blog\Controller\Post;  use \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action; use \Magento\Framework\View\Effect\PageFactory; apply \Magento\Framework\View\Result\Folio; apply \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context; use \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException; use \Magento\Framework\Registry;  class View extends Action {     const REGISTRY_KEY_POST_ID = 'toptal_blog_post_id';      /**      * Core registry      * @var Registry      */     protected $_coreRegistry;      /**      * @var PageFactory      */     protected $_resultPageFactory;      /**      * @param Context $context      * @param Registry $coreRegistry      * @param PageFactory $resultPageFactory      *      * @codeCoverageIgnore      * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)      */     public function __construct(         Context $context,         Registry $coreRegistry,         PageFactory $resultPageFactory     ) {         parent::__construct(             $context         );         $this->_coreRegistry = $coreRegistry;         $this->_resultPageFactory = $resultPageFactory;     }      /**      * Saves the blog id to the register and renders the page      * @return Page      * @throws LocalizedException      */     public function execute()     {         $this->_coreRegistry->register(self::REGISTRY_KEY_POST_ID, (int) $this->_request->getParam('id'));         $resultPage = $this->_resultPageFactory->create();         return $resultPage;     } }                  

Notice that we take added the $coreRegistry parameter to our __construct, and saved it as an aspect for later use. At the execute method, nosotros retrieve the id parameter from the request, and register information technology. Nosotros alse apply a class constant, self::REGISTRY_KEY_POST_ID equally a key to the register, and we volition utilize this same constant at our block to refer to the id in the registry.

Let us create the block, at app/code/Toptal/Weblog/Block/View.php with the following contents:

          <?php  namespace Toptal\Web log\Block;  apply \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException; apply \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template; use \Magento\Framework\View\Chemical element\Template\Context; use \Magento\Framework\Registry; use \Toptal\Blog\Model\Post; use \Toptal\Blog\Model\PostFactory; use \Toptal\Blog\Controller\Mail service\View equally ViewAction;  class View extends Template {     /**      * Core registry      * @var Registry      */     protected $_coreRegistry;      /**      * Postal service      * @var aught|Post      */     protected $_post = nil;      /**      * PostFactory      * @var nil|PostFactory      */     protected $_postFactory = nix;      /**      * Constructor      * @param Context $context      * @param Registry $coreRegistry      * @param PostFactory $postCollectionFactory      * @param array $data      */     public function __construct(         Context $context,         Registry $coreRegistry,         PostFactory $postFactory,         assortment $data = []     ) {         $this->_postFactory = $postFactory;         $this->_coreRegistry = $coreRegistry;         parent::__construct($context, $data);     }      /**      * Lazy loads the requested postal service      * @return Post      * @throws LocalizedException      */     public role getPost()     {         if ($this->_post === null) {             /** @var Post $post */             $mail service = $this->_postFactory->create();             $mail service->load($this->_getPostId());              if (!$mail service->getId()) {                 throw new LocalizedException(__('Mail non establish'));             }              $this->_post = $post;         }         return $this->_post;     }      /**      * Retrieves the postal service id from the registry      * @return int      */     protected function _getPostId()     {         return (int) $this->_coreRegistry->registry(             ViewAction::REGISTRY_KEY_POST_ID         );     } }                  

At the view block, we ascertain a protected method _getPostId, which will simply retrieve the post ID from the core registry. The public getPost method will in turn lazy load the post and throw an exception if the mail does non be. Throwing an exception hither will make Magento evidence its default fault screen, which might not be the best solution in such a case, but we will keep it this mode for the sake of simplicity.

On to our PHTML template. Add app/code/Toptal/Web log/view/frontend/templates/post/view.phtml with the following contents:

          <?php /** @var Toptal\Web log\Block\View $block */ ?> <h1><?php repeat $cake->getPost()->getTitle(); ?></h1> <p><?php echo $block->getPost()->getContent(); ?></p>                  

Prissy and uncomplicated, simply accessing the View block getPost method we created earlier.

And, to put it all together, nosotros create a layout file for our new route at app/code/Toptal/Weblog/view/frontend/layout/blog_post_view.xml with the following content:

          <?xml version="1.0"?> <page xmlns:xsi="" layout="2columns-left" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">     <trunk>         <referenceContainer name="content">             <cake form="Toptal\Blog\Block\View"                    proper noun="post.view"                    template="Toptal_Blog::post/view.phtml" />         </referenceContainer>     </torso> </folio>                  

This does the same thing nosotros did before. Information technology simply adds Toptal\Blog\Block\View to the content container, with Toptal_Blog::post/view.phtml equally the associated template.

To see it in action, merely straight your browser to to successfully load a post. Yous should see a screen such as the one below:

Page for displaying individual posts

And as y'all tin see, afterward creating our initial construction, information technology is actually elementary to add features to the platform, and well-nigh of our initial code is reused in the process.

In instance yous want to quickly test the module, here is the full result of our work.

Where to Become from Hither

If you take followed me up until hither, congratulations! I am positive y'all are quite close to condign a Magento 2 developer. We accept developed a pretty advanced Magento 2 custom module, and even though it is uncomplicated in its features, a lot of ground has been covered.

Some things were left out from this article, for the sake of simplicity. To proper noun a few:

  • Admin edit forms and grids to manage our blog content
  • Blogs categories, tags and comments
  • Repositories and a few service contracts we could have established
  • Packaging modules upwards as Magento 2 extensions

In any instance, here are some useful links where you can deepen your knowledge even more:

  • Alan Tempest Blog on Magento ii — Alan Storm has probably the most didactic content when it comes to learning Magento.
  • Alan Kent's Weblog
  • Magento documentation: The Magento 2 Dev Docs

I provided you with a comprehensive introduction to all relevant aspects of how to create a module in Magento 2, and a few additional resource should you demand them. Now it's up to you to go coding, or head downwards to the comments if you'd similar to weigh in.

Magento 2.2 Api Access Failed Login Attempts Fix



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